Newsflash! Possible Jill Stuart Cosmetics Launch in the US

by PJ on Tuesday, June 12, 2007

in -Jill Stuart, all about Japanese cosmetics

(Pictured: my Jill Stuart products)

One of my readers from New York City visited a Jill Stuart boutique the other day, and she kindly told me afterwards that she was told there had been talk about Jill Stuart cosmetics (which is currently exclusively sold in Japan) being launched in the US in a year.

This is quite exciting. If it does materialize, it confirms my speculation that when the Jill Stuart fragrances were launched in the US a while ago, they were probably testing the water before they would consider bringing in the beauty line.

So far, I don’t see it happening in the UK anytime soon. First of all, her fragrances are not sold here. Also, Jill Stuart seems to be less known in the UK. (Her designs are only sold in one private boutique here.)

I am going to make a prediction here. If it is launched in the US, I have a feeling that they might slightly lower the pricing on some of the items. Right now, Jill Stuart’s pricing in Japan is very similar to Lancome’s and slightly below Chanel’s in the US. To market Jill Stuart’s dreamy and girlie packaging and their glittery and shimmery eyeshadows to their potential customers in the US, maybe it would be a good move to lower the pricing to gain the maximal appeal. (It has happened to Paul & Joe before and it can certainly happen again.)

If you feel excited about this, please spread the word! Maybe it will help make it happen just a little bit sooner!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Izzy Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Squeal! Can’t wait for this PJ! I’m at the ready ;)


PJ Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hello Izzy!

Yes, it is quite exciting. It will definitely be very interesting to see how popular it is going to be in the US!


Izzy Thursday, June 14, 2007

I’m dead curious myself! I think it’ll take off like wildfire here! Really we have nothing so pretty as Jill Stuart! Everything is packaged in mostly sleek black compacts! Jill Stuart will be quite a smashing success with girly girls far and wide!


PJ Sunday, June 17, 2007

I do hope so. A line that has both superb packaging and quality deserves to do well. What’s left is for their people to get the pricing and marketing right.


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