Cult Product in the Making: Mamew Mascara Kit

by PJ on Thursday, February 7, 2008

in _Japanese Brand Profile, -Mamew, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup - mascara

(Mamew brand logo)
(image from

It was estimated several years ago that there were between 3000 and 4000 cosmetics companies in Japan (from Textbook on Beauty, by Kaoru Saito). What we see in major Japanese cosmetics magazines is only a very small selection of them, and it is always interesting to see a new brand on the magazine pages.

Launched in October 2007, Mamew is a fairly new brand but it has been featured in major Japanese cosmetics magazines like Biteki and Voce as well as top fashion magazines like Vogue Nippon.


(the very minimally packaged Mamew Lineup)
(image from

What attracted the attention of these magazines are Mamew’s Mascara Kits (two versions: Volume Curl and Long Lash).

(Mamew Mascara Kit)
(image from

The mascara liquid and the brush are packaged separately, and each application involves putting the mascara onto the brush (just like putting toothpaste on a toothbrush, I suppose).

(image from

You might think this is a lot of trouble, but here are the unique strengths of this product (from the Mamew website):

1. You can have more control of how much pigment goes onto the brush.

2. You can curl the lashes and keep the curl more effectively with the blush made with dense natural hair.

3. You can benefit from a fresh application every time by cleansing the brush after each use.

4. You can enjoy an easier application with the slim brush handle.

Apart from these, I think the unused mascara will probably remain moist longer. Also, this seems to be an updated version of the most traditional mascaras with a brush picking up the black pigment.

Judging by the increasing level of press interest, Mamew’s Mascara Kit has a potential to be a cult beauty item in Japan.

(Mamew is currently sold in Japan only, and the website’s on-line ordering service opens to residents in Japan.)

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{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Nic Nic Friday, February 8, 2008

hi Pj, it’s nicola.. im just using my blogspot username atm. I hope you dont mind me linking your site! I love the lilac colours! i have my eyes on MAC’s Beautiful Iris, cos it so pretty! I really like the RMK colour too!

I didnt hear about Mamew whilst I was in Japan, =/ i didnt see it either at department stores – the mascara sure looks interesting! I want to ask my bf to check it out for me but im sure he’ll be too embarrassed to look at the cosmetic department lol.


Grayburn Friday, February 8, 2008

Hey PJ! I’ve just nominated you for “you make my day award”! Thanks for being who you are and for making my everyday a joy!



PJ Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hi Nicola,

Good to hear from you again!

I am glad you like lilac shades as well!

Currently, as far as I know, apart from their on-line shop, Mamew is only available in their own boutique in Daikanyama in Tokyo. (You can find more detail on their website.) So, it is not sold in any department store in Japan at the moment.

Thank you for leaving your comment again and for linking to my blog as well! :)


PJ Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hi Grayburn,

Thank you for nominating me!

I have read your post on your nominations. It is very nice of you!

Thank you for all the very kind words. I really appreciate them! :)


Gloria Saturday, February 9, 2008

I really want to try the mascara. I hate how wasteful it is to throw mascara away every 3 months, but if you don’t, it does get yucky with the microbes just breeding in there. Then you apply the microbe-infested goop on your lashes, which is sooo close to your eyes, a mucous membrane, and voila.. infection!

Sorry.. microbe background.. so I get paranoid with the germs. =D

But this!! I can imagine using it for quite a while!


PJ Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hello Gloria,

If this mascara does do a job in what it is supposed to do, I’d think it can really become a very popular item in Japan. It is also interesting to see a modern revival of the original concept of the mascara.

It is good when people are careful about sanitary issues, since health is definitely more important than beauty…:)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts again! :)


Jazmin Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hi PJ!

This mascara is so unique, but to be honest, I’m a little weirded out by the separate brush.

Does it come with it’s own carrying case or anything? While I can understand the argument for always having a clean brush, it seems like it would still be more hygienic to have your mascara brush always “locked” into its tube.

Nevertheless, I’d still love to try it ; )


PJ Monday, February 18, 2008

Hi Jazmin,

I am sorry that the screen shot that I posted doesn’t indicate this very clearly.

Yes, the brush can be stored. The back of the brush can be detached and it becomes the cap for the brush. (I suppose it is like a portable lip brush… ) I’d guess the point is to store the brush in dryness (after it is washed and dried after each use), where germs are less likely to multiply.

(But it does seem that the brush is quite high-maintenance, as it should ideally be cleansed and dried after each use…)

Thank you for posting your comment on my blog! Talk to you again soon! :)


Jazmin Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ahhh, I see! What a cool design…and, yes it is kinda high maintenance, lol

PJ, I think we need to take a beauty blogger field trip to Tokyo (we’ll put this mascara at the top of our shopping list :)


PJ Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hi Jazmin,

A beauty blogger field trip to Tokyo sounds like a brilliant idea! :)

I have actually been thinking about going to Japan again. But it won’t be happening very soon. Probably next year…

I am sure, after that, I will have a lot of things to report back!

Thank you for stopping by again! :)


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